to YOYO Schulz's website !
2024: Wishing everyone a great 2024!
Well, I am still alive and skating, just too lazy to work on my
The whole Freestyle family is on Facebook and Instagram these
Find me on IG @ yoyoskates
Check out Diese.Podcast
in German, YOYO talks about his career.
Fresh in YOYO
on the Whiskey Wednesday show with Ken Tizzard
If you are looking for Freestyle products, feel free to contact
me by email as I took down my webshop
I also have a channel
on Vimeo now, so check it out!
5th- 2012 I participated in the World
Round Up contest!
and won the 360° spin event there on a slippery surface.
Latest NEWS 2012: I am still skating as much as time and weather
Feel free to check out my youtube
For any questions feel free to email me at: info (at) yoyoskates.com
Dec.19th-2010 Feel
free to download (right click and save) some clip I found in my
September 2010, Philadelphia, USA.
YOYO Schulz is the 2010 World Masters Freestyle Champion, congrats!
June 29th-2009 I got a 5th
place Pro Freestyle @ Paderborn; video
March 13th-2009 Lucky
Friday clip with FlyCam
March 1st-2009 New
clip up, spinning with FlyCamOne
Oct.19th-2008 Clip
back to Oldschool Antwerpen
Sept.28th-2008 Nice
and sunny weather clip
Sept.27th-2008 A
short clip of today's session
One of the first Mc
Twist by Mike Mc Gill
Mini Ramp Frankfurt Summer 2005
Aug.25th-2008 Munich
skatepark clip (8.4MB)
June 6th-2008 A
new clip to watch from today's session
April 20th-2008 Freestyle
demo at Breakonstage in Bilbao
April 20th-2008 A
Breakdance clip from Bilbao, Funk Fellaz
March 6th-2008 I am still alive and skating despite winter time.
a look on some nice stuff
Sept.29th-2007 Check out my latest
clip on Youtube
Nov.21st-06 A trip down memory lane: Half
skating 1980
Nov.20th trailer for the new YOYO#4 model
on Decomposed
Sept.3rd-06 New
Clip up. Freestyle at Brixlegg Slalom Worlds
Aug.1st-06 At the World Champs in Birmingham I was able to defend
my 360° spins tile once more and took a respectable 8th in
PRO Freestyle at NASS 2006.Clips available in the Trick
Tips section
June 7th-06 YOYO's been Slaloming lately..... click
Feb.14th-06 A new old clip
from Jean Marc
Jan.19th-06 Watch the historic
YOYO Plant
Dec.13th-05 A nice newspaper
article in a regional paper
Nov.22nd-05 Bowl Session clip#2
Nov.21st-05 Bowl
Session clip
Nov.19th-05 Click
here for a clip of YOYO's routine in Brazil
Oct.13th-05 I just put up a new clip click
A 1st in the 360° spin event and a great 4th place in
the Freestyle event, Sao Paulo 2005.

Sept.6th-2005 Finally a NEW
CLIP available.......
May 24th-2005: YOYO takes 2nd place at the Sennfeld Freestyle
A clip to download is available here
Sep.12th-04 New clip up: YOYO
Plant to pogo
May 25th-04 YOYO
clip spinning 360's on steel wheels
Apr.14th-04 New
clip up of YOYO snowboarding
Feb.20th-04 A short TV clip of the temporary
Naxos skatehall
Dec.23rd-03 Tailskid mounting
instructions added
Nov.24th-03 Newspaper
article of YOYO in local press
Nov.9th-03 Some pricing info added in the 'Products'
Nov.9th-03 Check out Georgio's clip: The
Sept. 24th-03 New
Friday Session clip up, click here.
Take a look at the Fotoarchive
in the ''Tricktips'' section
out my board sponsor by clicking on the image.

Check out my truck sponsor by clicking on the image.Thanks Larry
Balma and Brad Dorfman for decades of support
Check out my new bearing supporter by clicking on the image.Thanks
Darryl Grogan!
out the F-Forum,
the international place where Freestylers meet.
Join the WFSA Freestyle Forum for FREE by clicking on the
banner |

Site info and owner/ Impressum:
Joachim Schulz
Fasanenweg 37
65824 Schwalbach
e-mail: info(at)yoyoskates.com
Tel. +49-6196 569215
Mobile + 49 178 2356 577
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